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CE APPROVED Sterile Processing Articles

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It’s Time to Call It

Unleashing the Power of the Conference Call for Sterile Processing Improvement

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Insufficient for Understanding

Are IFUs Failing Us or Are We Failing Them?

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Here’s Your Sign

The Power and Purpose of Visual Aids in Your CS/SPD Workflow

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Give Me a Break

What It Takes to Make the Most of Sterile Processing Breaks

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Everything Except the Main Thing

The Crisis of Cross-Training

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Department Newsletters 101

How This One Thing Could Change Your Entire Hospital

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Keep the Change

7 Steps to Hardwiring Your Sterile Processing Improvements

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A Cut Above the Rest

Dangerous Designs in Our Sterile Processing World

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“But the Rep Said…”

Who to Listen to and Why It Matters for Your Sterile Processing Team

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(Not) Gone Like a “Flash”

5 Years Later in the IUSS Debate and We’re Still Confused

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Sterile Processing Triangle of Truth

Getting to the Heart of Problems and People

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Ask and You Shall Receive

Leveraging the Power of Surveys in Your SPD

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To Heck with Retention

5 Reasons Turnover in Your SPD May Be a Good Thing

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What It Is and What It’s Not

Spotlight on Special Treatment in Sterile Processing

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So you Want to Write a Blog Post? 

​The Normal Person's Guide to Great Sterile Processing Content

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Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Why Sterile Processors Love Facebook

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sterilization scare

5 Lessons We Must Learn from Porter Adventist Hospital

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THe victims downstairs

Surgeon Bullies, and the Untold Sterile Processing Story

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Every Heart and Mind

Crucial Tips for Cultivating "Mission-Believers" in your SPD

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How to Lead a CS/SPD Meeting

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Vendors Monopolizing Your  Space

How to Get Your SPD Out of (Consignment) Jail

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Well, I Didn't see that one Coming

5 Secrets to Dealing with Surprise Resignations in SPD

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why we need each other

The Case for "Product Advocacy" in the Sterile Processing Universe

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Leadership Field guide

How to Host a Sterile Processing Olympics for Your Department

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sterile Processing Travelers

Your Mini-Guide to Contract Agency Staffing in Your SPD

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Forget Surviving

How to Thrive During Your Next Joint Commission SPD Survey

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The need for sterile processing speed

4 Clutch Concepts for Increasing Your Prep/Pack Assembly Time

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want to be a sterile processing tech

5 Tips to Create a Competitive Resume

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Is time on your side?

5 Tips for Winning the Race Against the Reprocessing Clock

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Want to recognize Sterile Processing Technicians?

Pay Them What They're Worth

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Leaving a Legacy Behind You

Dealing with Loss, Grief, and Value in Sterile Processing

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I’m Out

7 Reasons to Quit Your Sterile Processing Job

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Hear Ye, Hear Me!

On Education and Competition in Sterile Processing

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No More Excuses

Late Loaner Tray Deliveries Should Be a Thing of the Past

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The Fabulous Four

​Getting Social Media Right in the Name of Sterile Processing

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Dangerous Decontam

Is Your Department Design Hurting Your People?

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And We Shall Call Them…What?

The Great Disagreements about Names, Titles, and Departments in Our Industry

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7 Habits of Highly Effective 

Sterile Processing Departments

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Present and Accounted For

Building a Department Culture Where Showing Up Matters

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On-Time Case Starts

Start with Sterile Processing

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Specialization on Steroids

Creating & Paying for Real Expertise in Sterile Processing

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Competency Saves Lives

Why the Hard Work of SPD Competency Paperwork Can't be Ignored

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“I Got It!”

Why Initiative Makes the Sterile Processing World Go Round

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Sterile Processing Safety Shouldn't Be a Near Miss

Why Incident Reporting of Sharps Matters to Everyone

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So you Failed your Sterile Processing Certification Exam?

What now?

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The Dangerously Dirty Secret of Sterile Processing

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So You Want to Be a Sterile Processing Manager?

How to Get There and What to Expect

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at risk

10 Ways Hospitals Put their Patients and SPDs at Risk

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Back to School

Insider's Guide to Being a Student & an A+ Sterile Processing Tech

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Don't Just Do Something, Stand There

Why Activity (Alone) is Not the Answer to your SPD Problems

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know Thyself

Why Self Awareness is the Holy Grail of Career Growth in SPD

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Pay for Productivity

Change the Game for Your SPD Team

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Collaboration starts with us

Sterile Processing, Infection Control, and Zero Patient Harm

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A need to know basis

What We Wish Our Vendors Knew About Us- An SPD Expose

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Become a Triple-Threat Leader

What Your Teams Need and Your Bosses Want

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You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

How Incomplete Surgical Trays Kill Your Culture

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one book to rule them all

5 Creative Ways to Read the AAMI Standards & Not Get Bored

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Sterile Processing Service Excellence

5 Tips to Become the Chick-fil-A of Your Surgical Team

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on sticks and stones

How to Rescue Your SPD from a Culture of Failure

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You Are Your Brother's Keeper

Why Minding Other People's Business in SPD Actually Is Your Job

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What’s the Big Deal with Big Brother?

Taking a Look at Surveillance Cameras in Your Sterile Processing Department

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Healthcare Starts with Self-Care

Taking Care of Your Sterile Processing People

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Give an Inch, They’ll Take a Mile

How Compromising Kills Your Quality Culture (and How to Get It Back)

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Everyone and No One at All

The Real Value and Opportunity of Technicians Who Organize

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Competition Versus Collaboration

Getting Ahead in SPD without Losing Sight of the Ultimate Goal

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Always Sunny in Sterile Processing

The Real Meaning of Light Duty

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5 Reasons Why the Great Resignation

Could Be Great for Your Sterile Processing Career

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Think Fast

What the Sterile Processing Industry Can Learn from a Fast Food Giant

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Why Not Work When You Want?

How to Totally Change the Way We Schedule Sterile Processing Technicians

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Half-Truths and Misinformation

How #FakeNews on Social Media Hurts the Sterile Processing Industry

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A Worker, Not a Widget

Humanity in the Age of Sterile Processing Optimization

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Surgical (Wedding Cake) Crashers

7 Surprising Things Your SPD Should Not Be Sterilizing

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Stop, Lock, and Roll

The Upside to Locking Things Down in Your SPD

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Dealing with Drama in Sterile Processing

Important Thoughts on Team Dynamics

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When It's My Surgery

Fear, Trust, and Our Sterile Processing Moment

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an Unwilling conspiracy of silence

Confronting the Industry Secret of Non-Compliance

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90 days of Sterile Processing Glory

Taking Dominion of CS/SPD Onboarding

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Against the CC Shotgun

And Other Email Etiquette Tips for CS/SPD Leaders

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Social Media Overdrive

How to Get the Most Out of Your SPD LinkedIn Presence

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let's stop kidding ourselves

What's the Problem with Tracking Sterile Processing Productivity?

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Find Aces for your SPD places

Five Recruiting Pools You Didn't Know Existed

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three Ways to not waste your friday

A Sterile Processing Week'enders Handbook

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"I Scored what!?"

Pay for Performance, Surprises, and Reasons Why They Shouldn't Mix

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Winning the OR Culture Wars

Sterile Processing & Surgeons... How You Can Spread the Love

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don't give up the ship

Keep SPD Quality High without Throwing Productivity Overboard

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Cultivating Your Team

How to "Grow Your Own" Sterile Processing Leaders

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Go Out among the hedges

The Place for Sterile Processing Leadership in Recruiting All-Stars

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the power of positive thinking

Why Reality Matters in Your Sterile Processing Department

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